Night Owl 7
Night Owl Shareware (NOPV7)(Night Owl Publisher Inc.)(1992).bin
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Text File
154 lines
Ver 1.3 19 Aug 1992
(C) Copyright 1991 Jack Chandler
Version 1.3 corrects the following problems encountered in earlier
1. Improper selection of wife in multiple marriages.
The ancestral wife no longer has to be listed in PAF
as the first spouse in multiple marriages.
2. No more hang ups if there is no husband in the marriage.
The line now will continue with the ancestors of the
3. Correct RIN for the spouse of the first generation
individual in the Anentafel chart is now displayed.
4. Elimination of garbage display for the first generation
individual if there was no spouse.
5. Reduced memory requirement for program operation. Less
problems with memory on some machines during the sort
AHNDES.EXE is a MS-DOS PAF utility for the creation charts of both
the Ahnentafel and Descent types. AHNDES.EXE will handle data base
sizes up to 52 generations and up to the PAF limits individual
records. Actual record limit is 99,999,999 which is a great deal
less than the number contained in a 52 generation base which is full
but does by far exceed the PAF records limitation that I have
been given.
AHNDES.EXE first creates an index file of your data (AHNDES.IDX)
containing the ahnentafel number and RIN of each record in your
database that is in your direct ancestral line. This index is then
used in the creation of both the descendant and the ahnentafel chart.
This index file can be either retained for future use, or can be
deleted at the end of each run.
Although AHNDES.EXE can be run from any drive/directory, it is
recommended that it be run from the drive/directory that does
contains your PAF data. The index filed will be created in the
active directory and future runs of AHNDES.EXE must be made from
that directory if the index file is retained to be used again.
The ahnentafel numbers are generated based upon your entry of a
base RIN. Since most often you will want to compute/print
charts based upon yourself, it is recommended that you enter
your RIN in this position.
The descent chart is computed and printed for a direct line from
any ancestor of the base RIN with no siblings or other marriages
considered. This will make the appropriate jump to the new
surname when a female descendant is married.
The ancestor is selected by either entry of RIN or by search by
surname and first given name. When search is used, the
individual found is displayed with name and birth date. If this
is the wrong individual then the search can be continued. No
provisions for more detailed identification is provided. Since
the search by name involves your entire database, some
individuals may be selected that are not ancestors of the base
RIN entered. If this occurs, you are informed that is the case
and offered the opportunity for a new search. Search is a
little slow. If the RIN is known it is the best choice of both
Ancestor and Descendant.
The descendant is selected in the same manner as the ancestor.
The descendant selected need not be the base RIN but must be in
the descendant line between the ancestor selected and the descendant
selected as the base RIN. Cousins, uncles, aunts, and siblings
will be reported as NOT a descendant of the selected ancestor.
The descendant chart is printed listing the descendant, birth date
and place, death date and place, and then the same data for the spouse.
Each generation is numbered.
The Ahnentafel chart is based upon the base RIN entered in for
the creation of the index file. Ahnentafel numbers are printed
for easy identification of family lines. Birth date and place,
death date and place are also listed if known. The number of
individuals contained in a completely full 52 generation chart
would be limited to 9,999,999,999,999,999 individuals which is
like the RIN numbers, far above what PAF will handle. Also 52
generations will take you back to approx. 500 AD before reaching
this limiting ahnentafel number so should cause no serious
problems for most database.
If all the lines in your PAF data pedigree chart are full, PAF
will only hold 16 generations.
Basically, giving yourself an ahnentafel number of 1 and then
double it for each generation. This would give your father a
number of 2, your paternal grandfather a number of 4, his father a
number of 8, etc. The wife of an individual is given his number
plus 1. Therefore your mother would be number 3, your maternal
grandfather would be 6, etc. This relationship can be seen in
the chart printed by AHNDES.EXE and is necessary to determine
the family lines from the chart.
Both the Descent Chart and the Ahnentafel can be either output
to the printer or saved to disk file. If output is to the
printer it is paginated with left border sufficient for binding.
If output to a disk file, no margins or pagination is provided.
This must be accomplished by printing with your text editor or
word processor. The Ahnentafel must be printed with print
CPI greater than 10. Current printing is set at 12 CPI but if
printed with text editor then either 12, 15, or 17 would
suffice. Descent chart will print satisfactorily with 10 CPI.
Although AHNDES.EXE is larger than intended in code, its major
problem may occur if there is insuficient memory left for the
sorting of large index files. The index file utilizes 12 bytes/
individual and will be about 15K or a little more for a database
of about 5,000 individuals. This should be no problem since the
memory requirements of PAF far exceed that which AHNDES.EXE
would normally use.
To facilitate the continued use of an index file that has been
created, it is recommended that AHNDES.EXE be run from your PAF
DATA directory.
AHNDES.EXE is released with no registration fee required.
However if you do desire to make a small donation not to exceed
$5.00 to the below address, it would be appreciated. AHNDES.EXE
may be copied and distributed in its original package with no
charges for the software. This Text file must accompany the
AHNDES.EXE file in any distribution package.
Please use and enjoy this program and let me know what you think
of its possibilites.
Thank you,
Jack J. Chandler
812 Vermillion Dr.
Henderson, NV 89015
PH 702-565-3158